'Avengers' Assemble With Even More Desktop Designs

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Two days of awesome "Avengers" desktop backgrounds in a row? Sure, that works for us!

Once again, a new batch of "Avengers" wallpapers have appeared online, this time courtesy of Toys R Us. Another difference this time: these aren't actual photos of the actors in character, but illustrations of their movie counterparts. I prefer yesterday's batch a bit better—still in love with that Ruffalo-Hulk design—but if I had to choose a favorite from today's bunch, it's the one lurking above. We have a healthy amount of group shots now, but this one's just different enough from what we've seen before so as to really stand out. Plus, no one is ever going to argue about prominent placement for Stark Tower, right?

Thanks again to Superhero Hype for the link.

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