'Dark Knight Rises' T-Shirt Designs Revealed In Today's Tights

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Batman's gotta look his best when fighting crime, and so do you when seeing "The Dark Knight Rises." To that end, the ongoing "Dark Knight" T-shirt contest can satisfy your needs, as you'll see in today's edition of Tights. Bonus points: some more "Avengers" footage to gawk at, a bit of mind-blowing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trivia, and something that should make Whedonites very, very happy.

Strap on your Tights and join us past the jump!

» We've posted about this before, but it's worth looking at again: the new "Avengers" TV spot features not only our best look yet at Loki's alien army (who are looking more and more like Beta Ray Bill's people), it also sports one heck of a verbal battle between the god of mischief and the witty Tony Stark. Robert Downey Jr and Tom Hiddleston at their finest, people. Check it out:

» When will the superhero movie craze finally reach its end? Never, we hope, or else Splash Page is out of business! But in case the Dark Times do come, io9 has rounded up a list of apocalyptic signs to look out for.

» While "Ninja Turtles" mania continues to sweep the web, let's pause for a minute and look back at the cartoon we all know and love... well, the cartoon we think we know. If you're not already hip to this piece of trivia, prepare to have your mind blown: Uncle Phil himself, "Fresh Prince" star James Avery, was the man behind Shredder's voice on the popular cartoon. Yes, really. Watch him talk about the role in the video below, picked up by Vulture.

» Joss Whedon fans have a lot to look forward to this summer with both "Cabin in the Woods" and "The Avengers" on the way. If that's not satisfying enough, then wait! There's more: "Astonishing X-Men: Danegerous," a motion comic based on Whedon and John Cassaday's acclaimed comic book run, is hitting DVD on April 10. Details over here.

» Last but not least: ComicBookMovie.com has rounded up the latest batch of entries for the official "Dark Knight Rises" T-shirt contest, and the results are pretty fantastic. The one pictured below is my personal favorite, but they're all pretty cool. Get more on these shirts and the contest over at Design By Humans.

In Tights, we're bringing you all the odds and ends circling about the comic book movie sphere. From the bizarre Batman business to the spectacular Spider-Man scoops, consider this your one-stop shop for all the weirdness the wonderful world of comics-based movies has to offer.

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